Back to school
If you’re already in the know, you might be keen to the fact that Restaurant DS is part of De School. Initiators of the iconic restaurant/club Trouw and Post CS join forces once again for this new and dynamic culinary (ad)venture. Restaurant DS – De School is located in a former school building and breathes into it new life; it’s home to a gym in the former sports hall, a classroom where seminars are held, a gallery, and of course, a bar, restaurant and club to boot.
Restaurant DS is bright, with an industrial yet sophisticated touch. The space is open and the ambiance is inviting despite its modernity. You can choose between 3-, 4- or 5-course meals; each playing up the bright aptitudes of greens, fish and meats beautifully. And we promise you this: the garden will be a hotspot this summer, so there are really no good excuses not to duck in and continue your education!
Doctor Jan van Breemenstraat 1
1056 AB , Amsterdam
Telephone: 020 737 3197